Tuesday, April 20, 2010

C-C-Combo Breaker!: Wii shovel ware

C-C-Combo Breaker! (CB for short) is our version of a rant. They're quick and spicy (and usually geared toward one thing). They are anywhere from a few sentences to a couple paragraphs but are always entertaining.

This CB is about Wii shovel ware, specifically Just Dance. Yes, I understand casual gamers can't tell the difference between a well developed game and a crappy one when they're having fun, but just today I heard a girl get excited about playing Just Dance... At a library. The "hardcore" gamer in me wanted to laugh out loud and make a mockery of this little girl but I knew it wouldn't be right the thing to do. That's only because I know she probably doesn't play games as much as I do and wouldn't understand my hate for Just Dance.

And that's what probably makes me indigent about the whole ordeal. Casual gamers only play games that are either recommended to them or was a commercial played on the TV. If I had it my way, only games deserving of being called a Game would get the Spotlight treatment. But sadly this is America, and in America, the person with the Biggest check rules the media.

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